Village Principles
Infusing your community with practices of Devotional Love
Village Principles
Three Principles to Practice in community to infuse the crew with Devotional Love
This 90 Minute workshop is here to offer you the embodied template and tone of peace in community, the happy family, the welcoming home.
I am the One
Principle #1
When a community doesn't honor principle number 1, they have eyes on what others in the community are NOT doing.
This is a perfectly normal practice of externalizing delusion, such that we don't even recognize how deluded it is.
Communities with cases of the 'nots' are in constant processing about what is not occurring, what isn't going well, what we don't like, and most especially what we shouldn't feel. They are constantly pointing fingers at each other, and learning how to "take accountability" when someone else points the finger at them.
Principle number 1 is an establishment of the entire premise of community in the Economy of Wellbeing--I am the one. Even one person upholding this principle can revolutionize the culture.
Principle #2
Without Principle #2, we have obligation, overwhelm, hard work, and effort in the system.
When we are not opted-in, we constantly contend with oppositionality in ourselves and others.
When we ask others to do things, we are asking them to assume a struggle, fulfill an obligation, slog through a chore. When we regard the obligation as such, we present it as an obligation.
We resent it as an obligation, and it doesn't seem like fun to anyone else.
A lack of opt-in is how I come to "get no help around here."
Why would my loved ones want to do dirty work?
Why would I want my loved ones to do dirty work?
If I don't want to do it, what makes me expect my loved ones to want to do it?
If I don't want it for me, what does it mean about how I feel about them that I want it for them?
A lack of opt-in is how we start the game of passing the buck, and if we regard responsibility as a drudgery or a chore, it's always too much, we are never enough.
Principle number 2 is a way I serve my own experience which invites others to serve and tune their own experience when they see me at it. Time and again, the attitude I bring toward responsibility influences those I share space with.
They are the Point
Principle #3
When I lose contact with Principle Number 3, it's easy to slip into resentment, into overwhelm, even into contempt for the ones I love and all that they seem to require of me.
When I lose contact with Principle Number 3, I might rush through or disassociate from my interactions with those closest to me. I might leave interactions feeling like I have nothing left to give.
When I lose contact with Principle Number 3, I exit reciprocity and serve with ways of depletion.
I do not receive of my loved ones as I give to them. I give to them like a martyr, hoping to be reepaid eventually, hoping that the sacrifice feels worth it in the end.
I do what has to be done without the warmth of contact with the worthy reason WHY it has to be done.
Yes, they are depending on me. With Principle Number 3, I understand that them depending on me is THE POINT. Even if I am the only one to know that, there is exponentially more love in the system.
Practical Application
Learn to find, identify, and joyfully take the responsibility any situation requires to bring it to a standard of devotion.
The great news is, you CAN do this alone! You alone can hold a higher standard for yourself and inspire a higher standard everywhere you go--and this masterclass will show you the practical elements of HOW.
Embodying these principles will open doors to you and flood your life with the greatest resource of all--relationship.
Efficient Energy
Harmony Doesn't Require Much Energy
Communities running on these Village Principles require very little energy.
There is no emotional processing, no house meetings divvying up responsibility and resource, no discord to manage.
Rather than having a bunch of people around while we do everything by and for ourselves, these Village Principles, enacted, lead to an interwoven, interdependent community, no labels in the fridge, no passive aggressive notes.
90-Minute Workshop
In this 90 minute workshop, you not only receive my expertise, you'll be exposed to the examples of other participants, rounding out your understanding of how to apply this information, in your unique family, community, and life.
Results in your BODY
Can changing how you think about responsibility change how you feel in relationships? It has for me. Now that I know how to place my attention and how to invest my energy, I act from my locus of control and welcome love into my life from so many directions. In this practice, dating is deprioritized, as I recognize love right here and now all around me.
Teaching AND Coaching
This is a workshop where you will be using your voice, sharing your thoughts, and receiving targeted coaching. I'll be teaching intricately nuanced concepts and practices you can apply to your life right now, and if you don't know how, you'll have time to ASK.
Stay Connected
Those who show up on this call will be invited to an ongoing offering of community support, connection, and continuing education.
This workshop is the initiation for the six week group course fleshing out this information.